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Course Contents

1. Oxidation and Reduction reactions: a. Oxidation Reactions Introduction, Oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons, olefinic double bonds, aromatic rings, systems containing oxygen such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, oxidative decarboxylation, of acids, oxidation of systems containing nitrogen such as amines, hydrazines etc. Oxidation by peroxides and hydrogen peroxide, Oxidation by KMnO4 and osmimum tetraoxide,Oxidation by Iodine-Silver acetate reagent, Ozonolysis, Oxidation by Chromium (IV) oxide and with chromyl chloride, Oxidation by nitric acid, Oxidtion by selenium oxide, Catalytic dehydrogenation b. Reduction Reactions Introduction, Reduction of alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic rings, hydrogenolysis, reduction of benzylic and allylic systems, aldehydes and ketones, alcohols, amides, enones, pinacols, epoxides, acids and their derivatives, Reduction of system containing nitrogen such as imines, oximes and nitro compounds, their mechanism, Reduction by addition of electron, Reduction by hydride transfer, metal hydride, chemoselectivity and reduction by catalyzed addition of molecular hydrogen. 2. Molecular Rearrangements: Types of rearrangements, general mechanisms of nucleophilic, free radical and electrophilic rearrangements, hydrogen and/or carbon migration to electron-deficient carbon, nitrogen and oxygen,Classification of molecular rearrangements: mechanism of intramolecular 1,2-shifts involving migration of a group from carbon to carbon, carbon to nitrogen, and carbon to oxygen, mechanism and synthetic applications of Wagner-Meerwein, Pinacol- pinacolone, benzidine, benzyl, benzylic acid, Favorski, Wolff, Beckmann, Hoffmann, Curtius, Lossen and Schmidt; Baeyer-Villiger, Dakin and Fries rearrangements. Organic Chemistry (Practical) SYLLABUS OUTLINE: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysisof Organic compounds: Physical/Chemical separation of mixture containing two compounds Identification of compound containing C, H, O and N or S and functional groups [Hydrocarbon,Carboxylic acid, Phenol, Amide, thioamide, Aldehyde or ketone]. Preparation of their derivatives.

Course Synopsis

Course content includes oxidation and reduction of different compounds. Course mainly deals with reaction mechanisms, how different compounds respond against different oxidizing and reducing condition. Saturated ,olefines, aromatic and different functional group redox reactions and mechanisms are major discussion point. Metallic Catalysts like Cr, Chromyl chloride, silver based catalytic reagents and their reactions with mechanisms. Second part covers rearrangement reactions of organic compounds. Nature of rearrangements, study of attacking and leaving behaviors of elements.Comparisons of Meerwein, Pinacol- pinacolone, benzidine, benzyl, benzylic acid, Favorski, Wolff, Beckmann, Hoffmann, Curtius, Lossen and Schmidt; Baeyer-Villiger, Dakin and Fries rearrangements in term of attacking and leaving groups.

Course Learning Outcomes

Since Redox reactions involve in all type of chemical reaction. students after studying this course will be able to predict chemical behaviors of different functional groups under different oxi/red conditions. They will be familiar with intermediates formed during different reactions. Student will also practice transfer of electrons within molecule during a rearranged intermediate. Sharpen their knowledge about Redox chemistry.

Functional group identification

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Oxidation/ Reduction Reaction

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Rearrangement Reactions

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Book Title : Organic Chemistry
Author : Jonathan Clayden
Edition : second
Publisher : Oxford University Press
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Title : Reduction reaction
Type : Presentation

View Reduction reaction

Title : Oxidation of Aldehyde & Ketone
Type : Presentation

View Oxidation of Aldehyde & Ketone

Title : Rearrangement Reaction
Type : Presentation

View Rearrangement Reaction

Title : Oxidation basic mechanism
Type : Reference Book

View Oxidation basic mechanism