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Course Contents

Lecture 1 All papers should follow Chicago style guidelines. • Introduction to Research Writing • How to Select a Topic • Raising Research Questions • Abstract Writing Things to Remember: - Order of Proposal / Thesis / Research Paper 15. Title Page 16. Summary or Abstract* 17. Begin the paper with a brief Introduction 18. Purpose of the Study 19. Need for the Study 20. Research question 21. Sub questions 22. Research Hypothesis 23. Null Hypothesis (if applicable) 24. Terms 25. Survey of Literature (becomes review of literature in Thesis. 26. Procedures (Methods) • participants • treatment • instrumentation • data collection 27. Analysis (in proposal explain what the data will be, how it will be collected and how it will be used). 28. Conclusions (in the proposal what do you expect to find given what the literature says) 17. References 18. Appendix* *These sections will be in the thesis but not in the proposal. The most common error in proposals is the failure to follow Chicago formatting in citations in text and in references. Proposals are written in future tense (because you are explaining what you will do) except for the review of literature (because that is about what has been written). Lecture 2 Selection of your Research Topic Lecture 3 Presentation & Submission of Research Article

Course Synopsis

This is compulsory course for the specialization in the discipline of Studio Practice (practice based PhD).Research Methodology is a hands‐on course designed to impart education in the foundation methods and techniques of academic research in social sciences context. Research scholars would examine and be practically exposed to the main components of a research framework i.e., problem definition, research design, data collection, ethical issues in research, report writing, and presentation. Once equipped with this knowledge, participants would be well‐placed to conduct disciplined research under supervision in an area of their choosing. In addition to their application in an academic setting, many of the methodologies discussed in this course would be similar to those deployed in professional research environments.

Course Learning Outcomes

The primary objective of this course is to develop a research orientation among the scholars and to acquaint them with fundamentals of research methods. Specifically, the course aims at introducing them to the basic concepts used in research and to scientific social research methods and their approach. It includes discussions on sampling techniques, research designs and techniques of analysis. Some other objectives of the course are: • To develop understanding of the basic framework of research process. • To develop an understanding of various research designs and techniques. • To identify various sources of information for literature review and data collection. • To develop an understanding of the ethical dimensions of conducting applied research. • Appreciate the components of scholarly writing and evaluate its quality.

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