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Course Contents

1. Electrophilic & Nuclephilic Addition to Carbon-Carbon DoubleBonds Addition of halogens: Mechanism (ANTI & SYN), Effect of substitutents on rate of addition, Orientation of addition, Addition of unsymmetrical reagents (Addition of halogen derivatives, Hydration, carbocations, Hydroxylation). Addition 0f symmetrical reagents (Hydrogenation, Ozonolysis), Addition to conjugated dienes (1,2 & 1,4-addition, Dicls-Aldcr reaction), Nuclcophilic addition (Cyanoethylation, Michael reaction). Oxymercuration and demercuration, hydroboration etc. Regioselectivity, regiospecificity and stereochemical aspects of addition products. 2. Nucleophilic Addition to Carbon-Oxygen Double Bonds Electrophilic and nucleophilic reactivity of carbon-oxygen double bond. Simple addition reactions:(Addition of water-Hydration, Addition of alcohol, Addition of thiol, Addition of Hydrogen cyanide, Addition of Bisulphate, Addition of hydride ions: Metal hydride ions, Meerwein-Pondrof reaction, Cannizaro reaction; Addition-elimination reactions: Derivatives of ammonia; Carbon as Nucleophile. Grignard reagent, Acetylide anions, Aldol reactions, Nitroalkanes Perkin reaction, Knoevenagel & Stobbe reactions, Benzoin condensation, Leukart reaction, Streker syntllesis. Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl analogues. Stereo selectivity in carbonyl addition reaction: Cram's Rule. 3. Elimination Reactions: 1,2-or b-elimination, E1 mechanism, E1 CB mechanism, D2 mechanism: Stereochemistry in E2 mechanism, Orientation in E2 elimination (Saytzev elimination, Hofmann elimination, Bredt’s elimination) Elimination vs Substitution, Effect of activating groups, 1,1- elimination, Pyrolytic elimination (Chugaev reaction, Cope reaction).  

Course Synopsis

this course include mainly addition reaction on carbon carbon double bond and carbonyl compound, what is the role of electrophile and nucleophile in such type of addition reactions and what type of compound can be made through addition reaction and how acid and base catalysed the reactions. Elimination reactions is also a part of this course.

Course Learning Outcomes

To understand the addition reaction and learn about the how addition take place in carbob carbon double bond and carbonyl compounds. To learn the mechanism, importance of Elimination reaction and factor effects on it.

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Addition reactions

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Book Title : organic Chemistry chapter 6, 19, 20, 23
Author : Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, and Stuart Warren
Edition : 1st
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Book Title : Advance organic chemistry
Author : Micheal B smith, Jerry March
Edition : six
Publisher : John Wiley and sons

Title : Addition reaction
Type : Other

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