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Course Contents

Meaning, scope and status of Human Geography Man Environment Interaction Themes of environmental determinism, possibilism Population Distribution, density and growth, population structure (age and sex structure) Human Settlements Types and functions of rural and urban settlements, forms of rural settlements (dispersed, nucleated and ribbon settlements) Economic Activity Locational characteristics of primary, secondary and tertiary (agriculture, mining, light and heavy industries, transport and trade) quaternary & quinary. Environmental Problems Issues (with special emphasis on Atmospheric Pollution), causes and remedies. BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. Kuby, M. (with CD 1998). Human Geography in Action, New York: john Wiiley and Sons Inc. 2. De. Blij h.JK and Muller,( 9th edition 2000). Geography Realm, Regions and Concept, New York: john Wiiley and Sons Inc. 3. De. Blij h.JK (2000). Human Geography Culture, Society and Space, New York: john Wiiley and Sons Inc. 4. Rusensteinone, (5th edition 1996). An Introduction to Human Geography. 5. Barrett, H. (1992). Population Geography. London: Longman. 6. Fellmann, J, and Getis, A. etal (1991) Human Geography, Landscapes of Human Activities, Oxford:WCB. 7. Brandford, M.G. and Kent, W.A. (1986). Human Geography Londom: Oxford University Press.

Course Synopsis

• To develop the skills of analytical study of man- environment interaction including natural resources and related human activities. • To develop and knowhow among the students above human and nature society interaction as well as global human and environment issues.

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