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Course Contents

Background, Social Forces, Intellectual Forces, French Revolution, Enlightenment Development of Sociological Theory, Theory and Knowledge, Process of Theorizing Types of Sociological Theories, Inductive and Deductive, Process of theorizing, Fact, Propositions, and Laws, Sociological Theory between 1600 -1800 AD, August Comte (Positivism, The law of Human Progress, Hierarchy of the Sciences, Social Static & Dynamic), Emile Durkheim (Rules of Sociological methods, Division of Labour, Social Solidarity, Theory of Religion, Theory of Suicide), W. G. Sumner (Folkways and Mores, In-group and outgroup, Basic motive), Karl Marx (Communist Manifesto, Socialism, Stages of Social Evolution), Herbert Spencer (The law of Social Evolution, Concept of Society, Laissez-faire), Max Weber (Sociology of Religion, Bureaucracy, Protestant Ethic and the Sprite of Capitalism)

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