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Course Contents

• Introduction of Romantic Movement, Historical Background of movement, French Revolution, Industrialization, Progress of science, Revolt to Classical, Neo-Classical Trends in Poetry. Major Romantic Poets: Early Romantic Poets, and Young Romantic Poets. Romantic poets ‘s definitions f romantic poetry and its elements. Comparison and contrast of their views about characteristics of romantic poetry romantic • Introduction of William Wordsworth, his biography, major poetic works, and his poetic theory about Romantic poetry. Prelude Book I ( Lines 1- 150) , Tracing the biographical elements in Wordsworth’s poetry, and elements of Romantic poetry: emotion, subjectivity, freedom, nature, love for nature etc • Prelude Book I ( Lines 150- 400 lines) discussion of Wordsworth’s Love of Nature and her diverse roles in the childhood of Wordsworth and Role of Childhood Memory in the development of Poetic Mind/ Discussion on poetic diction • Prelude Book I (Lines 400- 650 lines) Pantheism in Wordsworth’s poetry and Discussion on poetic diction. Stages of Development of Poetic Mind Assignments/presentation to be given. Prelude Book II (Lines1- 100 lines) • Prelude Book II (Lines100- 350 lines) Discussion on the role of imagination in the development of poetic mind. Words worth a Poet of Solitude • Prelude Book I1 (350-451 lines) Discussion on Wordsworth as a peer of mighty world of eye and ear, both what they perceive and what they create” • Analysis of Ode: Intimation of Immortality from Recollection of Early Childhood, Wordsworth’s Philosophy about Child • Summarizing the key Philosophy of Wordsworth’s Romantic Poetry/ Presentation/Quiz/ Test • Introduction of John Keats’s life, works and Romantic poetry. Analysis of Ode on a Grecian Urn with reference to Keats, concept of beauty, sensuous Beauty, Immortality of art, and his idea of truth • Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale with reference to sensuous imagery and construction of Ode and Poetic diction along with allegation of escapism on Keats • Analysis of Ode on Melancholy and Ode to Autum with reference to natural and mythical imagery, his philosophy/love of nature. Comparison and Contrast with Wordsworth, Shelley, Coleridge • Presentation to be given and Cloze Test Introduction of Robert Browning and Victorian poetry, Characteristics of His Poetry: Dramatic Monologue, Soul Dissection, and Telegraphic poetic Diction • Analysis of Andrea Del Sarto, Art of Characterization and Soul dissection of Andrea Del Sarto, and Condition Of Art In Victorian Age • Analysis of My Last Duchess and The Bishops Orders His Tomb at ST. Praxed’s Church, discussion on Browning’s complex diction and obscurity. Analysis of materialism and religious corruption and Victorian moral values • Analysis of Fra Lippo Lippi and Browning’s transition towards Modern poet.

Course Synopsis

This course includes Romantic Movement of 19th Century and Victorian Poetry. Major Poets of Romantic Movement William Wordsworth and John Keats are included in this course, to discuss major trends of Romantic Movement; Love of Nature, Pantheism, Imagination, emotion, sensuous beauty, subjectivity, escapism and diction etc in contrast to Neo- Classical trends of Reason, objectivity, balance order, taste, etc. Major poet Robert Browning of Victorian age will also be discussed with reference to prominent poetic genre of Dramatic Monologue, soul dissection, and telegraphic diction etc.

Course Learning Outcomes

• To develop understanding of Socio Political background of Romantic and Victorian poetry • To analyze the characteristics of Romantic and Victorian poetry • To scrutinize the Words worth’s theory of poetry and poetic diction • To explore the differences between Classical, Neo-Classical, Romantic and Victorian poetry

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