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Course Contents

Historical Development of Social Philosophy, Difference between social thought and sociological theory, Early Social Thought, Folk Thinking (Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Indian Social Thought), Contribution of Muslim Thinkers in Social thought, Abuzar Ghafari (Wealth Theory), Imam Ghazali( Causes of group life, Social justice, Educational reforms), Ibn-E-Khuldun (Philosophy of history, Science of culture, Ethnocentrism, Rise and fall of nations, Causes of social life), Shah Waliullah (Evolution of society, Causes of social life, Societal disease, Concept of perfect society), Moulana Ubedullah Sindhi (Basic Human Ethics), Allama Iqbal (Concept of self, Theory of religion, Concept of ‘Ummah), Classical Sociological Theory, Herbert Spencer, Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Ferdinand D. Tonnies, W. G. Sumner

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