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Course Contents

1. What is administration? 2. What is Social Welfare Administration? 3. Social Welfare Administrative Structure for provision of social services a) The Public sector b) The Private sector (non-profit and for-profit) 4. Principles of Social Welfare Administration. a) the principle of acceptance b) the principle of participation / democratic involvement in formulation of agency policies and procedures c) the principle of open communication d) the principle of community and client needs e) the principle of agency purpose f) the principle of cultural setting g) the principle of professional responsibility h) the principle of delegation i) the principle of coordination j) the principle of resource utilization k) the principle of evaluation l) the principle of change m) the principle of growth 5. Pre-requisites for Social Welfare Administrators a) Knowledge b) Attitude 6. Administration Process a) Planning Process 1. why Plan 2. steps in planning 3. principles of planning b) Organizing 1. definition 2. formal and informal organization 3. authority 4. types of authority (line, staff, functional) 5. delegation and decentralization of authority c) Leadership 1. definition 2. leadership skills 3. theories of leadership • trait theories • behaviour theories • situational theories d) Staffing 1. definition 2. job description 3. types of staff 4. recruitment 5. induction 6. types of training 7. staff appraisal 8. motivation theories 9. termination, retirement, pension and other benefits e) Supervision 1. definition 2. purpose of supervision 3. functions of supervisor 4. characteristics of effective supervision 5. models & methods of supervision • informal • formal • individual • group • direct • indirect 6. consultation and its types (formal, informal) f) Controlling 1. definition and explaination 2. controlling process • establishment of standards • measurement of performance • comparison of actual and standard performance • taking remedial measures g) Accountability & Evaluation 1. evaluation of staff 2. evaluation of agency and its programs h) Budgeting 1. definition 2. types of financial resources 3. types of budgeting i) Decision Making 1. definition 2. ways of making decision (intuitive, judgemental, problem solving) 3. steps/guidelines for decision making j)Reporting

Course Synopsis

This course is about the management processes in the social service agency. Course consists on detailed information about planning, staffing, decision making, evaluating, leading, supervising processes. Students will also study the types of budgeting and financial resources of any social service organization. This course will definitely facilitate the students when they will perform their duties as manager. The course is designed to prepare the students to learn administration processes like planning, staffing, supervising, budgeting etc. which are essential part of any social service organization. So they will be able to take their responsibilities as social welfare administrators in future.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course, students should be able to: 3. Contribute to debate on the administrative processes and practical management of projects and organizations. 4. Identify agency structure and variables which determine the success or failure of the development interventions. 5. Come out with improved communication, team work, presentation and study skills.

Reporting as a function of Social Administration (view first 6:40 minutes)

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Book Title : Social Welfare Administration
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Book Title : Social work administration: principles and practices
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Publisher : Association Press

Title : Reporting as a function/process of social welfare administration
Type : Other

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