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Course Contents

a) Mycology 1. Introduction : General characters of fungi, Thallus, cell structure and ultrastructure of fungi. 2. Reproduction: Asexual and sexual reproduction and reproduction structures, life cycle, haploid, heterokaryotic and diploid states. 3. Fungal Systematics: Classification of fungi into phyla with suitable examples to illustrate somatic structures, life cycle and reproduction of Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota (Mucrales) Oomycota (Peronosporales), Ascomycota (Erysiphales, Pezizales), Basidiomycota (Agaricales, Polyporales, Uredinales, Ustilaginales) and Deuteromycetes. 4. Symbiotic relationships of fungi with other organisms (lichens and mycorrhiza) and their significance. 5. Importance of fungi in human affairs with special reference to Industry and Agriculture b) Pathology 1. Introduction and classification of plant diseases. 2. Symptoms, causes and development of plant diseases 3. Loss assessment and disease control 4. Epidemiology and disease forecast 5. Important diseases of crop plants and fruit trees in Pakistan caused by fungi, e.g. damping off, mildews, rusts, smuts etc. Practicals a) Mycology General characters and morphology of fungi. Study of unicellular and mycelial forms with septate and aseptate hyphae. Distinguishing characters of different phyla: study of suitable examples. Study of asexual and sexual reproductive structures in different groups of fungi. Study of some common examples of saprophytic, parasitic and air-borne fungi belonging to different phyla. b) Pathology Identification of major plant pathogens under lab and field conditions, cultural studies of some important plant pathogenic fungi, application of Koch’s postulates for confirmation of pathogencity. Demonstration of control measures through chemotherapeutants.

Mycology & Plant Pathology

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Mycology & Plant Pathology

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Mycology & Plant Pathology

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Mycology & Plant Pathology

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Mycology & Plant Pathology

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