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Course Contents

Introduction to Climatology, the Climate System Control on climate, Earth-sun relationship, Scale of heat and mass transfer in atmosphere, role of ocean, Scales of climate change, Past climate changes, and future climate changes, Modeling climate Prediction climate changes Global warming, climate change and Variability and Vulnerability, causes of climate change. Ecological impacts of climate change, Effects on fresh water systems, surface and ground water, wetlands, managing water. Effects on terrestrial ecosystem, loss of biodiversity, implications for forest management and conservation policy. Climate change and agriculture, Climate change and the marine environment, marine ecosystems, climate change effects on resources. Human dimension of climate change controls and consequences of global Environmental change stakes and consequences, climate change and millennium development goals population and development goals population and development, poverty, hunger and starvation, poverty, food security and climate change natural disasters and climate change, drought case study of Pakistan, Environmental society, climate and health , and environment, climate change and economics, strategies for coping with predicted effects of global climate change, mitigation and adaptations, carbon trading.

Course Learning Outcomes

this course is aimed at students hands on training related to the changes happening in our environment. the effect of climate change on global positioning effect of climate change on outbreaks of epidemics effect of climate change on continents effect of climate change on frequencies of extremities

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